Helping Hands Products and Services

(A Santa Maria Della Strada Livelihood Ministry Project)

Re-conceptualized in 2015 by the Livelihood Ministry, Santa Maria Della Strada (SMDS) launched its Helping Hands Products project in response to the COVID-19 crisis with the support and kindness of Rev. Fr. Arthur Opiniano. It aims to provide the much needed sustainable income of the mothers and residents in need of Brgys. Pansol, Kaingin 1 and 2.

Helping Hands Video 2020 on YouTube

Helping Hands re-organized with the collaborative efforts of the parish leaders and parishioners. It expanded its offerings and elevated its work quality, guided, and trained by the creative pool of inspired designing women neighbors. Proud of their Tatak della Strada label/slogan, these Helping Hands Nanays (mothers) and family members are uniquely gifted with talent, skill, and teachable hearts, anchored in godly SMDS formation principles. Happily, Helping Hands has now flourished into a hive of channeled creativity responding to the surrounding community’s wants and needs.

A Nanay (mother) delivering her work product on bicycle to get a day’s worth of earnings for her family

Its first products are beaded, recycled newspaper and retazo (overrun/excess) fashion accessories. At present, Helping Hands offers utilitarian fashion and every-room-in-the-home accessories, pandemic inspired, fashionably functional masks and a host of custom-made products that are limited only by the imagination of this dynamic group.

It’s late evening and two Nanays toiling over their handicrafts for completion so they can have earnings for the next day

Coupled with Spirit-guided capital-generating efforts, this SMDS Livelihood Ministry-hatched Helping Hands Products & Services project, which hopes to fulfill the aspirations for its members: 1) to have the means to bring food to their tables; 2) to buy much-needed medicines; and 3) to meet their daily needs.

